Black and White in the Horizon

Each individual is different, but some where we are connected that is why we are together. We all are inspired by nature and its history, and that is the connection we have, though we are living in different places. Atonio E Costa from Goa, Peter Bevan is from Scotland, Yogesh Rawal, Yashwant Desmukh, Kiyomi Talaulicar, Sheetal Gattani are from Mumbai, Niyeti Chadha Kannal is presently living in New York, Rooshika Patel is also presently living in London and Himanshu Joshi, Atmanand , Santana Gohain and myself are living in Vadodara. So, there is difference between us and our abstraction, here every works is very different though it is abstract, but we are on the same surface and we are connected and also conscious of each other's work and its evolution.

In the title, Black and White in the Horizon, the words are very prominent and clear. But philosophically it has several meanings. Both black and white are colours and not colours, one absorbs and the other reflects.

The title formation of "Black and White in the Horizon" is abstract. It talks about time, space and existence. It talks about colour of nature, history of nature, but here in this show it is in abstract form.

My earlier vision of "Black and White in the Horizon" thematically was restricted. As time passed the idea evolved in my mind. The thought came to me almost one and half years ago. But before that, my friends Himanshu, Atma, Santana and myself planned to do a show. Himanshu then insisted that I curate this show. I was seriously thinking whom I could include in this show and I decided to invite my friends whom I know and understand their works to some extent and invite our senior friend Prof. Deepak Kannal to write the catalogue. It was also a challenge for me to show all our works and see how they collectively work together in the particular space. Though their visuals are different, some where there are connections and commonalities.

Baroda, 2010

Design : Eeksha Design and Communication